Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"The party blessed me with its future ..And i protect it with fire..."

Any apology Ms. Ferraro would offer would be moot. The most insidious part of her statements is the mindset it underscores. I find the reasoning by Ferraro that her being white; a white upper class women, is the sole reason for her being criticized. It only serves to further underscore the breadth of her ignorance.The ideology that blacks are incapable of voting for a candidate on their merits and can only base their decisions on race is ignorant. Why are people so surprised by her comments? Being a Democrat does not automatically imply that you are not racist, classist or sexist. These are very pervasive problems in this country, whatever your political party. Senator Obama has managed to draw support in spite of this. The central reason for racism is power. Racism has been used historically to suppress the climate of all mankind to have equality. Racism functions in conjunction with class. Higher class status coupled with being in the powerful majority creates a climate specifically to subjugate people that the majority deems less than themselves. That is racism. This cancer afflicts the mind of everyone it touches. It gives the oppressor the sense of entitlement that it swings like a club, cutting a swath through anyone or anything that dares to challenge it. It robs the oppressed of the promise, hope, drive and dignity that all human beings are born with. Do people identify with those they are like?
Of course, but if we can not learn to cooperate and build the world with others then we are doomed. A strong statement to be sure. I did not decide to support Senator Obama solely based on his race, the notion that I did not research the issues, read voting records or inform myself thoroughly insults the very intelligence I work to build each and everyday.Besides that I am majoring in Library Science for Christ's sake, I know my way around information better than most. I chose him because of my belief in his ability to build a better nation. I chose him because he ignited a hope that my vote and my participation in the course of democracy mattered. I chose him because of the work he has done to combat poverty, his commitment to bring our troops back from Iraq, his economics policy, etc. Does the fact that he is articulate with a keen intellect inform my choice as well? Absolutely. It just so happens that we share a similar racial heritage. Unlike myself, Mr.Obama is in the position to accomplish great change on a global scale.If my vote puts him there that is what matters, not that he is black, not that he is liberal..not even the fact that Oprah endorses him. It is to quote someone " The content of his character"

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"Its the end of the world as we know it..."

She won the Texas primary.
I knew there was a reason I stopped watching "Saturday Night Live"
Bitch is the new black my ass.

Listen up the poor and undeserved in America!
Pay attention to something other than the same shit served on a new platter.
Why are you so afraid of a man who could truly make this country better?
Why do you believe that a "war hero" or a cuckolded wife are your salvation? something...stop waiting for the mythical white savior to lift you up.
Get the fuck up, educate yourself, stop slurping the spoon fed agenda.
Remember what your apathy cost in 2000.

"I'm on the Highway to Hell....No Stop signs...No Speed Limits.."

I wonder if I really am cut out to be a librarian. I am I OCD enough....are my glasses trendy enough...did hooked on phonics really work for me? I read a lot of professional websites, blogs, the musings of those in my future "chosen" field and I come away with a sickening feeling of unwarranted elitism. But isn't that what professional/corporate culture really is, just another high school like trauma only with real issues at stake? The hierarchy of discussion boards is making me feel like the electronic equivlent of a leper colony. My posts are not viewed as much as the middle age school media "specialists" or the "I have two Masters already..but wanted a change" alpha males. I have things to contribute, intelligent things, perspectives that should be acknowledged...
This week we had to list 10 electronic resources. I saw, google, pedestrian stuff. A few of my classmates actually had fresh sites, resources that the average ten year old couldn't find even with adderall, quality stuff. I had a range of destinations that could broaden the mind. Do you know how many of my "classmates" looked them over? 9 out of a class of over 30+ people. 9
9 fucking views! Apparently I am retarded and no one has had the heart to tell me for the last 34 years. I had better get into vocational rehab while there is still time for me to be a productive member of society.
In case your interested here are the 10 resources I contributed.

Here are some electronic resources that I find useful, some are more "scholarly" than others.

Tons of tips on "how to do just about everything" such as ; how to reshape a shrunken wool sweater, how to be Gothic, or use chopsticks. The majority are helpful...the rest are good for a chuckle.

The best of the web as seen by The New York Public Library. Links are grouped by subject, similar to how books are cataloged, and include Arts&Humanities, New York City, Libraries&Book Trade, History&Social Sciences and many more.

The digital collections of The New York Public Library. The resources on Africana & Black History are amazing, the print and photography collections are superb. You can also download podcasts or watch lectures/book talks.

Online free classified service that is tailored to each location it covers. You can explore sites for most major US cities and states as well as international sites. It's somewhat like Uncle Henry's on a bigger scale.

Libweb complies links to library websites around the globe.

Great resources for teachers and companion sites for most of their programming.

Database of speeches, lectures,sermons,debates and media events in text,audio and video format.

The online home of The American Museum of Natural History. Resources for kids, educators and anyone who is interested in learning about science. The site also has online professional development courses.

The Museum of Modern Art; links to DADABASE, an online catalog of the museum's library, archives and study centers.

"All the news that's fit to print" online. You can search the archives from 1851 to present day

And on a unrelated note....if Hillary Clinton wins Texas....I will build the wall between Mexico and Texas myself! Latino vote.....get a clue people, she doesn't give the proverbial "two shits" about you. Has the whole fucking world gone mad? I need to stick to taking sleeping pills so I can't remunate over things till the wee hours. AGGGHHHHH! That's it folks, I'm outta here, gotta check CNN.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"I always feel like somebody's watching me..."

Boredom will make a person do funny things. If most people were totally honest they would admit to googling themselves, I've done it. Apparently I am a white pharmacist in Iowa...where the hell is my free Valium? The real fun is searching myspace profiles. The steamy underbelly of the Internet....or where men having mid-life crisis's pretend to be 25 and while hung to meet nubile Paris Hilton wannabes. I decided to search profiles with my better half's name. Ohh sweet Jesus! I was laughing so hard I hyperventilated.....enjoy the show!'s a sneakpeek photo!!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

"That there That's not me.."

Enjoy this Radiohead performance. It's from "Kid A". Buy "In Rainbows" it is breathtaking....seriously, it will bring tears of joy to your eyes.