Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"But this life is so confusing. Feels like I'm always losing"

I haven't posted in quite some time. Life happens and I don't always seize the opportunity to write about it consistently,and living it requires every vestige of my being.I don't think I even have readers at this point;at some point did I ever? My mind is over run with so many thoughts that the prospect of articulating any of them coherently makes me emit a screech. Seriously...the people who live with me find it extremely unnerving.I also have to store up my concentration for essays for school.I guess the point of all this drivel is to excuse myself. I really do feel like the post title fits.I started this blog to channel the muck deep within myself out;the bile that bubbled up needed to go somewhere. I was overwhelmed. I still am but I have become much more adapt at hiding it. I will get there. I just wish I knew where "there" was, and when I was going to get there. Perseverance is a real bitch.