Sunday, July 23, 2006

You asked him what?

My title has nothing to do with this. I do that a lot, when I use to email people with some frequency my subject lines were meant to entice. They were some idiosynthcratic play on words or subtext that only I seemed to get. Maybe that's why I stopped talking to them...
I use to want people to get me, I use to give a shit, now I just get...get by. I can't pinpoint when it all settled into a muddle of vagueness. There were the usual "Kodak Moments", children, relationship of note, adulthood....onset of mood disorder. And then the "Lifetime TV Movie Moments", vagabond rental hell, sinister in-laws, murder of loved ones....cancer. Not mine, his. I think I am perpetually healthy for some greater purpose not because I take great care of myself. If I opened a vein it'd probably be 95% espresso with traces of Nos.
Maybe this is the great charade that's my life....maybe this is all there is. Maybe I'm just really tired and have nothing to really say. Maybe I asked too much.

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