Friday, October 27, 2006

..tempted but the truth was discovered....

What kind of person signs a ticket with an expletive? I do....that's right..."Go fuck yourself" seems like a perfectly reasonable manner in which to sign a summons. I could have ran her down with my car, donkey punched her or gouged her eyes out with my keys. No I chose to express my disgust in print. Which apparently earned me another summons. Thank you Ofc. Small, you humourless cunt. I can only hope your dog injures you in a tragic yet scandalous peanut butter accident. I can only hope that someone really yells at you...not just speaks in an unwavering voice to defend themselves....but you know us "colored folks" we're always yellin' at you mighty white folks. Perhaps you've seen far too many women's prison films? Did that influence your career in law enforcement? No you get off on your supposed superiority....a badge does not automatically entitle you to respect. Do you earn respect by loitering at Puffin Stop for 4 hours sipping free coffee whilst gossiping with the cashier you're trying to sleep with? Or fixing violations for your friends? Or stealing artwork and passing it off as your own? Did you earn respect by vandalizing your track coach's hide your sexuality....hmm how sad that you need a uniform to be authentic. I'll pay my fines, I'll switch my license over....but I will NEVER respect you or your unearned authority. Ohh before I forget........GO FUCK YOURSELF MICHELLE!

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