Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"The party blessed me with its future ..And i protect it with fire..."

Any apology Ms. Ferraro would offer would be moot. The most insidious part of her statements is the mindset it underscores. I find the reasoning by Ferraro that her being white; a white upper class women, is the sole reason for her being criticized. It only serves to further underscore the breadth of her ignorance.The ideology that blacks are incapable of voting for a candidate on their merits and can only base their decisions on race is ignorant. Why are people so surprised by her comments? Being a Democrat does not automatically imply that you are not racist, classist or sexist. These are very pervasive problems in this country, whatever your political party. Senator Obama has managed to draw support in spite of this. The central reason for racism is power. Racism has been used historically to suppress the climate of all mankind to have equality. Racism functions in conjunction with class. Higher class status coupled with being in the powerful majority creates a climate specifically to subjugate people that the majority deems less than themselves. That is racism. This cancer afflicts the mind of everyone it touches. It gives the oppressor the sense of entitlement that it swings like a club, cutting a swath through anyone or anything that dares to challenge it. It robs the oppressed of the promise, hope, drive and dignity that all human beings are born with. Do people identify with those they are like?
Of course, but if we can not learn to cooperate and build the world with others then we are doomed. A strong statement to be sure. I did not decide to support Senator Obama solely based on his race, the notion that I did not research the issues, read voting records or inform myself thoroughly insults the very intelligence I work to build each and everyday.Besides that I am majoring in Library Science for Christ's sake, I know my way around information better than most. I chose him because of my belief in his ability to build a better nation. I chose him because he ignited a hope that my vote and my participation in the course of democracy mattered. I chose him because of the work he has done to combat poverty, his commitment to bring our troops back from Iraq, his economics policy, etc. Does the fact that he is articulate with a keen intellect inform my choice as well? Absolutely. It just so happens that we share a similar racial heritage. Unlike myself, Mr.Obama is in the position to accomplish great change on a global scale.If my vote puts him there that is what matters, not that he is black, not that he is liberal..not even the fact that Oprah endorses him. It is to quote someone " The content of his character"

1 comment:

josh said...

I thought that the central point of racism was hilarity? Dammit...I guess all those jokes aren't really funny at all.