Sunday, September 17, 2006

Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before.......

I sleep better now knowing Bath PD is protecting me from teenage garage bands without permits. Aren't they akin to WMDs or the Taliban....or worse Yanni live in concert. Friday nite was Heather's open house complete with live music and the accompanying teenage entourage, resplendent in all black, hair artfully spiked, sullen demeanor....ahh memories. But alas the fuzz shut um down like U2 in downtown LA....where the streets have no name......
I guess they ran out of free coffee and inane conversation at Puffin Stop. Which is curious to say the least, I have seen Bath's finest parked there for hours on end hangin out like pedophiles at a penny arcade. However they swung into action to disperse a public menace.....teenagers doing something productive, non violent and horror of horrors...creative.
I am glad my tax dollars fund the combat of such a public siege on the pristine nature of our fair downtown. Thank you Ofc. Small for taking time out of your busy schedule of ticket writing, coffee drinking and holding up the front counter at Puffin Stop to save me from these malcontents.....god bless you...and your drug sniffing doggie too.

1 comment:

Token Ethnic Girl said...

I wonder if the city will start a file on me now? Ofc. Savary resembles a young J. Edgar Hoover so it could happen.