Sunday, December 03, 2006

...and you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack...

Big news!!!! Ben called, Armen is a dipshit and UCLA beat USC!!!

Friday evening the wandering Jew called me back...I almost fainted. Ben has not been one to reply to phone messages in a reasonable frame of time. Perhaps the big booty beauties of Crown Heights have worked their mojo on him? Either way it was a bringer of smiles to my face. A welcome respite from my conversation on Thursday. Did this call bring me "inner fulfillment" ? Alas no that can only come least according to Dudley Dipshit aka Armen . Before his class on Thursday my "friend" shared some wisdom with me. Apparently he thinks I am using him to fill a void within me...don't flatter yourself. Thanks for proving me really weren't worth the effort were you? I guess I'll never know.

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