Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I wonder how's it gonna be, When you don't know me?

The age old question.....do you really ever truly know anyone? And if so how can you still look them in the eye after their inflated self importance rears it's proverbial "ugly head" ?

I don't need to find inner fulfillment. Bold statement I know, but true nevertheless. Throughout my life the greatest struggles I've encountered I've faced on my own. I got through them on my own....how is that possible? The truth? I just get up each day and go on. I guess there should be more to it than that..some profound epiphany, or life mantra culled from mystical texts infused with life altering dogma.

It's a baby walking toward me like a teetering lush....
A witty retort from a friend.....
A pint of Guinness..
The hope and innate purity of my children's love....
The verdigris of Angelo's eyes..
A wave crescendoing upon barnacled rocks, while feeling the salty sweet spray upon my cheek...
The outline of the words " i love you" traced upon my back as I fall asleep...
Being knocked down by the twists of life and just getting back up...
Knowing that I love..
And that others love me back...

Wanting people in my life doesn't make me weak, it doesn't make me needy. Wanting to spend time with people I care about, cherish, and find intoxicating isn't an attempt to fill a void in my soul. I don't need to find "inner fulfillment" within myself....who I am within is why all these things matter to me. If I was empty inside my soul I would never be able to articulate any of this. Sometimes we really don't know others....not because we can't...but because they are too empty to allow us to.

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