Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Stand up and be counted,for what you are about to receive "

The blog following is no longer zero!!!! Thanks Rodney.

Of course now I feel even more compelled to update on an semi-regular basis. I am going to start taking *Mrs. Fuckles' advice and blog the stream of consciousness rants that come out of my mouth.Today provided many points to rail about. It's the "holiday season" which compelled me to go to Freeport on a quest for...snow pants. The middle progeny put them on her Xmas list, I felt obliged to make a pilgrimage to the mecca of outlets and LL Bean to procure her humble guilt laden request. I say guilt-laden due to my daughter's ability to turn any slight into fodder for future therapy and scathing tell-all tome ala "Mommie Dearest"...I wouldn't mind the wardrobe or drag following though. My day was supposed to start at 10 am, but I fought the snooze and the snooze won,not to mention the fact that I was out of clean underpants;who can shop without clean undies seriously? I managed to make it to Casa Los Fuckles before noon, and was rewarded with a combo of fresh coffee plus a side of confab. Elizabeth and I managed to make it to Freeport to only be rewarded with parking the holidays cause people to become blinker deficient? Do you act like you are giving up your parking space just to watch other drivers become perturbed? After 15 minutes of circling like a buzzard in the midst of a panic attack I hit pay dirt..right in front of Starbucks. Parking and coffee! God must not completely hate me after all...
I always enjoy listening to other peoples' coffee orders;the self aware pretentious procedure of it bemuses me.I love coffee LOVE IT, but my self identity is not intrinsically mired in half foam, soy or splenda. I mean by all means order what you want, but don't posture like a low rent supermodel jonesing for cancer sticks and a Birkin bag. The middle age woman in front of us ordered her drink haughtily, while flipping her hair in our general direction; she scanned the crowd, with her nose cast skyward hopelessly clinging to a youth long since past. Was she on her way to Abercombie & Fitch to procure her double size zero jeans? Perhaps my recollection would not be so harsh if her disdain for her fellow coffee drinkers had not been so palatable. It was after all the holiday season, would it have killed her to show basic human respect and decency?

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