Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"I'll be forever blue.That you gimme no reason why you make me work so hard."

Here's some facts and figures to peruse. A answer to the quandary of whether Grad school is worth the costs involved...to be a Librarian. Please note the "wide" gulf in wages between what you earn with a BS or BA and the holy grail that is the ALA certified MLS.

MLA State-wide minimum salary guidelines are as follows:
Position (required degree) Compared with Hourly entry level and Annual entry level recommended wage.

Library page -- Minimum wage
Clerk -- $10.30--$21,424
Technician (High School diploma) $10.84 ---$22,547
Technician (Associates degree) $12.01 --$24,980
Librarian (Bachelor’s) $13.98 ----$29,078
Librarian (MLS or equivalent) $15.15 ---$31,512

Department Head (MLS or equivalent) 16.51 ----$34,340
Library Director $21.46---- $44,636

The difference hourly between library staff with a MLS and those with an BS/BA is $1.17. The annual difference in salary is $2434. Anyone care to venture a guess to the difference in cost for a undergrad vs. grad school? Well then if you can figure it up...you can pay my tuition and for the ulcer I will give myself.

You may be wondering what all these abbv. mean.....

MLA- Maine Library Assoc.
MLS- Master of Library Science
BA- ok I'm willing to venture you know this one
BS- no, not bullshit. See above

I should have held steadfast to my childhood dream of international jewel thief and beguiling chanteuse. Catsuits, sequins and playboys on the French Rivera hanging on my every word. Gotta work on that passport application...

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