Wednesday, January 17, 2007

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus but he talks like a gentleman

Happy New Year lemmings. I have been enjoying the fruits of unemployment. Which are you ask? Soul crushing self-doubt, personal inadequateness, insomnia, no sex drive and ahh yes tons of free time to peruse celebrity gossip. Envy, I know you have it don't you? It's not really that bad, I am no stranger to poverty as such....but getting canned 5 days before Christmas is a bit....demoralizing. I know my job was shit, I loathed it....I had vivid fantasies of sabotaging the press with a giant Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man. Yet no one likes getting fired....unless they are on a reality show and can parlay it into 15 minutes of unworthy celebrity and a spread in Maxim. But alas I am too "chubby" to be in Maxim. At least according to the forest dwelling prophet. Thanks Crow without a Nest, if a working erection were a prerequisite you'd be ass out as well.

It's far too easy to make fun of him...I should resolve to stop. Fuck that...he's too self absorbed to leave unscathed. The oozing pretentiousness is akin to the stench of patchouli at a Grateful Dead show.I am just unenlightened. No, I am still angry at the knowledge that I was duped. The ego is a powerful motivator. How does he do it? It is not all that difficult to decipher in the land of new age bullshit. Maine, "the way life should be" ; if you subscribe to middle class angst and self entitlement masquerading as spirituality. The pied piper of inner fulfillment is the emperor without any soul.

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