Sunday, January 28, 2007

Really think I better get a hold of myself

I went to a dance class with Heather tonite. It wasn't as bad as I wasn't bad at all really. Of course the career martyr gave me the passive aggressive full court press upon my return. I could feign surprise but alas no...he shared his disdain before I left.

" Can I tell you something? I really would like it if you didn't's not a good idea"

I went anyway. It didn't matter that I am a adult who can make their own decisions, he "knows" better. Why? Because pretentious bird was there. I didn't go to antagonize him...I went to keep a friend company. End of fucking story. So now I must endure the silent treatment....ohh dear god how will I ever go on?

Did he ever confront Nina on her bullshit? Nope
His family? Nope
But he can tell me how to plan my day?
Whatever sucker said that love was everything was fucking delusional.

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